Not a chapter

Sorry, but no updates this week. There’s been frequent power cuts in the past week and because of that my PC crashed so I lost all my files. I really have to buy a laptop. I’ve finished 18 but it is unedited. I’ll finish volume 1 this week. Really sorry. And worse than not having Internet during power cuts, which are like for 2 hours every 2 hours, THE HEAT IS KILLING ME.

37 thoughts on “Not a chapter

  1. Ewww I was eager to read the next chapters… But well, stuff happens, I appreciate that you did post a message explaining what happened. Thanks


  2. I don’t mind a week or two of no chapters, especially if it’s not your fault. All I’m asking is that you survive the heat (so that you might translate another day)

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Getting a laptop isn’t a bad choice, but how about getting an UPS? Those should be cheaper than a new laptop, and almost a mandatory buy for those using their PC in unstable electric grid anyway.


  4. Hard disk failure, the bane of writers and translators D:
    Thanks for the update anyway, and good luck with your power problems !


  5. I was waiting for the update ever since friday and was like “is it updating already?” and make my cousin mad cuz i was rolling all day on the floor. I slept through the update time though and now was haering there wont be any chapter this week
    I was like ah…. oh…okay

    Btw theres a lot of power outage because the pwer plant is hving problem in my town. I wonder if we live on the same town?


      1. Um, on the globe? Pfft. XD But seriously I think they changed the name to climate change because certain simple simple minded people couldn’t wrap their minds around the concept that even though global temperatures are measurably on the rise winter still exists. I remember a certain politician even brought a snowball into the senate to prove global warming wrong. WTF?I know Americans are struggling with their education in comparison to the rest of the world but I didn’t think it was THAT bad.


      2. That politician still ain’t as bad as Trump in my opinion, sadly, idiots are everywhere these days.


  6. Have you considered doing your translating in a google doc or something similar? That way even if your power fails your progress will still be saved. Although I know if it were me then the interruption would be more of a problem than the lost progress, I hate it when I settle down intending to focus on one thing and then have to stop.


    1. That IS the main problem. I come back from college and am about to translate and poof. Comes back in 2 hours while I’m trying to sleep or doing some shit since I’m bored, and then I’m too lazy to sit and start. I start after an hour and a half and there it goes again. That was the exact routine I repeated the whole of last week. Got sick of translating chapter 18 and 19.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. i understand you

        but and easy solution of this problem is using google doc its automatically save every change you applied so if the power god cut you dont have to translate it again


  7. Here is a frustrated reader! Why oh why are you leaving such incomplete story (granted, each chapter is interesting and to satisfy me ya need to translate everything, that’s a detail though.)

    So to retaliate take this spoiler !


    ….I tried. I tried to machine translate. I tried. I really tried hard you know?! Machine translation can go to heeeeell ! Goddamit, my eyees! MY EYEEES !!


    1. Madeo does a really good job translating this. I’m glad this wasn’t picked up by a MTL group. Might take awhile but it’s quality. Plus side this novel isn’t something like Coiled Dragon with over 1000+ chapters. Cheers!


  8. I’ve lost my fair share of documents to HDDs. I finally threw HDD writing storage out the window and all my writing documents are on Google Docs now. It works for me because I don’t have limited upload/download per month, so YMMV. But you kinda also need to have access to the internet to do that, and blackouts are kinda…


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